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Smartphone Diagnostics

Be the New Standard
in Smartphone Diagnostics

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Manage your kiosks remotely using our online operations management system

Introducing SmartHub, the ultimate remote solution for effortless kiosk management. Experience the convenience of streamlined phone inventory handling, comprehensive phone inspections, transaction tracking, easy access to location profiles, and efficient monitoring of your entire kiosk fleet's performance, all in real-time.

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Remote Kiosk Fleet & Transaction Management

Location Profiles

Tailor your profile, stay informed about individual kiosk statuses and phone inventory, and empower your team with access to the Smarthub dashboard for improved collaboration.

Fleet Management

Secure your kiosk operations effortlessly through our reliable login system. Effortlessly supervise multiple locations, monitor activities, and efficiently manage your entire kiosk fleet.

Device Inventory

Instantly track and assess phone models along with their condition status. Securely manage phone pickups of valuable inventory.

Transaction Tracking

Streamline kiosk efficiency with comprehensive transaction logs for diagnostics. Access securely stored, high-resolution images of phone conditions on our server.

Ready to revolutionize your smartphone diagnostic services?

Contact us today to start a pilot program

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